I’ve encountered an interesting problem with my writing this year. Although not altogether unexpected, it’s still something I’m working on getting to grips with.
Whenever I read a book that I really enjoy, I am all in, frequently re-reading sentences and even whole paragraphs. I really like to luxuriate in the book and am often reluctant to finish it. It is, perhaps, all the more curious, therefore, that it doesn’t take many months to pass after I’ve finished a book for me to find I’ve likely as not forgotten all about it. So, what to do about this irritating aspect of my make-up?
OK, this week we’re back talking about geeky author related tech toys (I posted about mechanical keyboards in November last year). This time it’s microphones.
For those of us living in certain parts of the world today is World Book Day 2023 and what a day it is! There’s little better than enjoying a great read.
Well, after my recent excursion into the world of podcasts all about pens, I couldn’t possibly resist this one, a website devoted to the collecting of bookmarks.
Continue reading “The Enthralling World of the Bookmark Collector”
An amusing experience this weekend just gone. As often happens, a story idea popped into my head from out of the ether and, not wanting to let it go, I started jotting it down thinking it would turn into a nice short story.
I sometimes wonder what it’s like being James Bond and knowing that wherever you go they will be expecting you. The only time I am expected anywhere is when I book ahead.
Oh, how I love these updates from Abebooks. Where it’s the best of… or top selling… I can’t resist having a good rummage through to see what’s there. This one covers the most expensive sales in 2022. Enjoy!
During the second half of 2022 I had to undergo two operations on my right eye after I was unfortunate enough to experience a detached retina. This wasn’t the most wonderful of experiences, however I did at least get my sight back in that eye, even if it isn’t now perfect. However, while all this was happening, I started experimenting with ‘writing’ my books using audio and that turned out to be very informative.